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Transaction Results

When axept® GO has completed the processing of a transaction the results are returned to the integrated application via the broadcast receiver.

Initial Response

The integrated application should check three fields in the response initially:

Initial Check
Field NameData TypeDescription
ApprovedBooleanWhether or not the transaction was approved
trueTransaction was approved
falseTransaction was not approved
TransResponseBooleanInforms integrated application whether the response includes a transaction response
trueTransaction response included
falseTransaction response is not included
TransactionDetailsBooleanInforms integrated application whether the response includes details of a transaction
trueTransaction details included
falseTransaction details are not included

Details of the various data elements described above are detailed next.

Transaction Response = True

When the TransResponse field is set to true the below information is included.

Field NameData TypeDescription
GUIDUnique Transaction Identifier
Unique identifier for the transaction which has been processed.
AmountNumericAmount of the transaction which has been processed. Amount in pence,
e.g. 100 = £1.00.
MsgStatusNot UsedMessage Status
Reserved for future use.
ApprovedBooleanWhether or not the transaction was approved
trueTransaction was approved
falseTransaction was not approved
TipNumericValue of the gratuity awarded as part of the transaction.
CashbackNumericValue of cashback added as part of the transaction.
CancelledBooleanWhether or not the transaction was cancelled
trueTransaction was cancelled
falseTransaction was not cancelled
SigRequiredBooleanWhether or not the transaction required a signature
trueTransaction did require a signature
falseTransaction did not require a signature
PINVerifiedBooleanWhether or not the PIN verification was not performed
truePIN verification was performed
falsePIN verification was not performed
AuthModeStringReserved for future use.
CurrencyStringCurrency in which the transaction was processed
GBPPound Sterling
TidNumericSerial number of the device that processed the transaction.
MidNumericMerchant ID used during the authorisation process.
VersionStringVersion of axept® GO used for the transaction.
ReferenceStringA copy of the reference supplied in the request.

Transaction Details = True

When the TransactionDetails field is set to true the below information is included.

Field NameData TypeDescription
ReceiptNumberIntegerReceipt number allocated by axept® GO.
RRNNot UsedReserved for future use.
ResponseCodeStringResponse code issued by the acquirer during the transaction.
StanNot UsedReserved for future use.
AuthCodeStringIf applicable, the authorisation code issued by the acquirer.
MerchantTokenIdStringThe Optomany token for the card used in the transaction.
PANStringMasked PAN of the card used in the transaction.
ExpiryDateStringExpiry date of the card used in the transaction - format YYMM.
StartDateStringStart date of the card used in the transaction - format YYMM.
SchemeStringName of the card scheme used in the transaction.
PSNIntegerPan sequence number retrieved from the card.
CardTypeStringWay in which the card was captured for the transaction.
EMVCard was processed via Chip & PIN or Chip & Signature
ContactlessCard was processed via contactless
MSRCard was swiped
ManualCard was keyed
IsVoucherUsedBooleanLoyalty Transactions Only
trueA voucher was used in the transaction
VoucherCodeUsedStringLoyalty Transactions Only
Confirmation of voucher code presented.
ValueOfVoucherStringLoyalty Transactions Only
Value of voucher presented.

CardType = EMV

When the CardType field is returned as EMV, Contactless, or MSR the below information will also be supplied. This is where the transaction has been performed as Chip and PIN, Contactless, or Swipe.

CardType = EMV
Field NameData TypeDescription
AIDStringEMV tag - Application Identifier
TSIStringEMV tag - Transaction Status Information
CardHolderStringCardholder name - where available.
CryptogramByteArrayCryptogram used.
CryptogramTypeStringType of Cryptogram used.

Unsupported Transaction Types

If an integrated application attempts to call an unsupported transaction type, axept® GO will respond with the below:

Initial Check
Field NameData TypeDescription