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Transaction by ID

The Partners Reporting API allows for the querying of a single Ecommerce transaction processed by any of your merchants.

GET Transactions - Request

The Transaction request is completed via a GET request to the test URL shown above, and should contain the below header data. The access_token will be the one received in the Authentication Response. The URL contains the transactionId, returned from a previous GET.

HTTP Header
Field NameStateData TypeDescription
AuthorizationMandatoryStringBearer access_token

GET Request Example


Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer 6945595921271780
User-Agent: PostmanRuntime/7.26.8
Accept: */*
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
Connection: keep-alive

GET Transactions - Response

If the request is successful, the method will return a 200 response code, and the body will contain the following fields:

GET Transactions Response
Field NameData TypeDescription
data.idStringUnique transaction Id.
data.merchantIdStringUnique ID for the merchant, allocated by DNA Payments.
data.merchantNameStringName of the merchant.
data.merchantReferenceStringUnique order number allocated by the merchant.
data.amountDecimalOriginal requested transaction amount.
data.currencyStringTransaction currency code.
ISO 4271 Format [e.g. “GBP”]
data.createdDateStringDate/time when the transaction was created on the DNA Platform.
data.authDateStringDate/time when the transaction authorisation was attempted with the acquirer.
data.confirmDateStringDate/time when the transaction confirmed on the DNA Platform.
data.processedDateStringDate/time when transaction was processed.

This date/time will often reflect the last transaction action that was performed. For example, the date/time when the transaction was charged, settled or refunded.
data.processedAmountStringCharged/Settled/Refunded amount.
data.typeStringTransaction type. See Status codes for all a full list of types.
data.statusStringStatus of the transaction. See Status codes for a full list of statuses.
data.paymentMethodStringPayment method used on the transaction. See Status codes for a full list of payment methods.
data.cardTypeStringType of card used in the transaction.
data.cardMaskStringMasked PAN for the payment card used in the transaction, contains the first six and last four digits.
data.issuerStringIssuer of the payment card used in the transaction.
data.issuerCountryStringCountry in which the payment card was issued.
Format: ISO 3166-1 alpha-3
data.responseCodeStringThe response code which was returned by the acquirer during the authorisation process.
data.authCodeStringWhen applicable, the authorisation code issued by the acquirer/issuer for the transaction.
data.avsResultStringResult of the Address Verification System (AVS) check.
data.avsHouseNumberResultStringResult of the Address Verification System (AVS) “House Number” check.
data.avsPostcodeResultStringResult of the Address Verification System (AVS) “Post Code” check.
data.cscResultStringResult of the Cardholder Security Code (CSC) check.
payerAuthenticationResultStringResult of the Payer Authentication (PA) enrollment and authentication checks.
Format: (Enrollment/Authentication) – e.g. Y/A
data.payerIpStringIP address of the consumer.
Waiting GDPR confirmation, may be removed.
data.payerNameStringConsumer name.
Waiting GDPR confirmation, may be removed.
data.payerEmailStringEmail address of the consumer.
Waiting GDPR confirmation, may be removed.
data.payerPhoneStringPhone number of the consumer.
Waiting GDPR confirmation, may be removed.
data.ipCountryStringCountry where the purchase was made.
Waiting GDPR confirmation, may be removed.
data.ipCityStringCity where the purchase was made.
Waiting GDPR confirmation, may be removed.
data.ipLatitudeDecimalLocational data – Latitude.
Waiting GDPR confirmation, may be removed.
data.ipLongitudeDecimalLocational data – Longitude.
Waiting GDPR confirmation, may be removed.
Base 64
Custom data provided by the merchant when requesting the transaction.

Maximum size 1024 bytes.

No actions are performed using this data, it is purely recorded against the transaction on the DNA Platform.
data.descriptionStringDescriptive text passed in the Payment Request for the transaction.
data.parentTransactionIdStringIf the transaction is a full/partial refund this field will contain the transactionId of the original/linked sale.

GET Example Response

"id": "6283b982-14f3-46c9-bcaf-c228e0050503",
"merchantId": "2234bec9-299d-414f-b5bd-4cda29e96ffd",
"merchantName": "Test Merchant",
"merchantReference": "1619713419029",
"amount": 25,
"currency": "GBP",
"createdDate": "2021-04-29T16:24:41.257552Z",
"authDate": "2021-04-29T16:24:52.375995Z",
"confirmDate": "2021-04-29T16:24:52.247515Z",
"processedDate": "2021-04-29T16:24:52.247513Z",
"processedAmount": 25,
"type": "sale",
"status": "charged",
"paymentMethod": "card",
"cardScheme": "mastercard",
"cardMask": "528390...2672",
"issuer": "AS LHV Pank",
"issuerCountry": "EST",
"responseCode": "00",
"authCode": "1602071111",
"avsResult": "",
"avsHouseNumberResult": "Not Checked",
"avsPostcodeResult": "Not Checked",
"cscResult": "Not Set",
"payerAuthenticationResult": "C/Y",
"payerIp": "",
"payerName": "CHALLENGE SD",
"payerEmail": "",
"payerPhone": "",
"ipCountry": "",
"ipCity": "",
"ipLatitude": 0,
"ipLongitude": 0,
"description": "Car Service",
"merchantCustomData": null,
"parentTransactionId": null