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Settlement Function

The Partners Settlement API allows to query settlements of your merchants.

GET Settlements - Request

The Settlement request is completed via a GET request to the test URL shown above, and should contain the below header data. The access_token will be the one received in the Authentication Response. The URL contains several filters which can be applied to narrow the results returned.

HTTP Header
Field NameStateData TypeDescription
AuthorizationMandatoryStringBearer access_token
GET Settlement Request
Field NameStateData TypeDescription
fromMandatoryStringStart date for transactions. Transactions are available for 365 days and a maximum of 30 days can be specified.

Format: YYYY-MM-DD [e.g. 2024-06-14]
toMandatoryStringEnd date for transactions. Transactions are available for 365 days and a maximum of 30 days can be specified.

Format: YYYY-MM-DD [e.g. 2024-06-14]
pageOptionalStringPage number required.

sizeOptionalStringNumber of records to return.

Default=50, Maximum=1000
searchByOptionalStringConfirms which date is being used in the query.
processed-dateSearch using the date we start the settlement process.
settlement-dateSearch using the date that the partner/merchant receives their funds.
If this is not supplied, then processed-date is used.
merchantIdOptionalStringUnique id for the merchant, allocated by DNA Payments and returned in GET Merchants within the Reporting API.

This field allows for a maximum of 10 ids to be submitted, each separated by a comma.

Specifying the id will only return transactions for this merchant
transactionIdOptionalStringTransaction ID.

GET Request Example

This example request is for all settlements between 18.06.24 and 19.06.24, for one merchant. The request is asking for the first page of results comprising of 100 records, and is searching by the processed-date.

Postman GET request

Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer 6945595921271780
User-Agent: PostmanRuntime/7.26.8
Accept: */*
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
Connection: keep-alive

GET Settlements - Response

If the request is successful, the method will return a 200 response code, and the body will contain the following fields:

GET Settlements Response
Field NameData TypeDescription
totalCountIntegerTotal count of records for the requested time period.
The remainder of the fields in the response are an Array of data Objects. The number of Objects will be either the totalCount, or the limits imposed by the page and size fields in the Request Parameters.
data.processedDateStringDate that the settlement process was started.
data.settlementDateNullable StringDate that the transaction was settled.
data.merchantIdStringUnique ID for the merchant, allocated by DNA Payments.
data.merchantNameStringName of the merchant who has processed the transaction.
data.amountDecimalOriginal requested transaction amount.
data.acquirerFeeDecimalAcquiring fee charged for the processing of the transaction.
data.amountToMerchantDecimalAmount settled to the merchant.
data.currencyStringCurrency of the transaction e.g. GBP
data.operationStringConfirmation of operation performed.

See operation for all operations.
data.transactionIdNullable StringUnique transaction ID. Null for non-transactional fees.
data.transactionDateStringDate/time when the transaction was processed.
data.transactionTypeStringInitial transaction type processed.

See transactionType for all transaction types.
data.merchantReferenceNullable StringUnique order number allocated by the merchant.
data.cardSchemeNullable StringCard scheme used in the transaction.
data.cardTypeNullable StringConfirmation of the card type used in the transaction.
creditCredit card
debitDebit card
data.isEuropeanCardNullable BooleanConfirms whether the card used for the transaction is issued in Europe (including the UK).
trueCard used is issued in Europe
falseCard used was not issued in Europe
data.isCorporateCardNullable BooleanConfirms whether the card used for the transaction is a Corporate card.
trueCard used is a corporate card
falseCard used is a personal card
data.cardMaskNullable StringMasked PAN for the payment card used in the transaction, contains the first six and last four digits.
data.captureMethodNullable StringCapture method for the transaction.

See captureMethod for all capture methods.
data.issuerCountryNullable StringCountry in which the payment card was issued. If this cannot be determined the field will be null.

Format: ISO 3166-1 alpha-3
data.merchantCustomDataNullable StringCustom data provided by the integrated solution for the transaction.
Refund Handling

When a Sale transaction has been fully or partially refunded the transactionType will remain as retail, but the operation field will be updated to be either reversal or adjustment depending on whether a full or partial refund was performed.

A separate entry, for the full/partial refund transaction, will also be present in the Settlement API

GET Example Response

"totalCount": 3,
"data": [
"processedDate": "2024-06-19",
"settlementDate": "2024-06-20",
"merchantId": "6a3848c5-1c2c-4903-b621-879db6277402",
"merchantName": "Test Merchant",
"amount": 0,
"acquirerFee": -0.03,
"amountToMerchant": -0.03,
"currency": "GBP",
"operation": "advice",
"transactionId": null,
"transactionDate": "2024-06-19T00:00:00Z",
"transactionType": "declined-txn",
"merchantReference": null,
"cardScheme": "visa",
"cardType": "debit",
"isEuropeanCard": null,
"isCorporateCard": false,
"cardMask": null,
"captureMethod": null,
"issuerCountry": null,
"merchantCustomData": null
"processedDate": "2024-06-19",
"settlementDate": "2024-06-20",
"merchantId": "6a3848c5-1c2c-4903-b621-879db6277402",
"merchantName": "Test Merchant",
"amount": 3.6,
"acquirerFee": -0.03972,
"amountToMerchant": 3.56028,
"currency": "GBP",
"operation": "advice",
"transactionId": "M138811RC46A",
"transactionDate": "2024-06-19T21:59:55Z",
"transactionType": "retail",
"merchantReference": "M138811RC46A",
"cardScheme": "visa",
"cardType": "debit",
"isEuropeanCard": true,
"isCorporateCard": false,
"cardMask": "475130...4321",
"captureMethod": "pos-contactless",
"issuerCountry": "GBR",
"merchantCustomData": null
"processedDate": "2024-06-18",
"settlementDate": "2024-06-21",
"merchantId": "6a3848c5-1c2c-4903-b621-879db6277402",
"merchantName": "Test Merchant",
"amount": 72.99,
"acquirerFee": -2.263431,
"amountToMerchant": 70.726569,
"currency": "GBP",
"operation": "advice",
"transactionId": "3bc9ae58-9528-24a1-9336-c5cc5cf8d1c2",
"transactionDate": "2024-06-18T17:48:54Z",
"transactionType": "retail",
"merchantReference": "114422",
"cardScheme": null,
"cardType": null,
"isEuropeanCard": null,
"isCorporateCard": null,
"cardMask": null,
"captureMethod": "ecom-klarna",
"issuerCountry": null,
"merchantCustomData": null


The below table provides a list of operations along with their descriptions.

adviceThis operation type notifies that a specific transaction type has completed. See transactionType table for details.
reversalThis operation type notifies that a reversal of the specific transaction type has occurred. See transactionType table for details.
adjustmentThis operation type notifies that a specific transaction type was adjusted, e.g., its amount was amended. See transactionType table for details.
requestThis operation type notifies that a request for a specific transaction type has occurred. See transactionType table for details.
part-adviceThis operation type notifies that a specific transaction type was partially completed. See transactionType table for details.


The below table provides a list of transaction types along with their descriptions.

retailStandard sale transaction
creditFull of partial refund of a standard sale transaction
retail-apmStandard sale transaction via Alternative Payment Method, ie Open Banking, Klarna, AliPay+ etc
credit-apmFull or partial Refund of a standard sale transaction made via Alternative Payment Method, ie Open Banking, Klarna, AliPay+ etc
uniqueStandard sale transaction (Casinos only)
declined-txnDeclined Transaction. Authorisation Fee, Gateway Fee can incur according to the merchant's contract
minimum-monthly-service-chargeMinimum Monthly Service Fee charged on a monthly basis according the merchant's contract
pci-feePCI fee charged according to the merchant's contract
merchant-monthly-feeRecurring fee charged on a monthly basis according the merchant's contract
moto-feeFee associated with MOTO (Mail Order, Telephone Order) transaction according to the merchant's contract
zash-app-feeZash EPOS fee charged on a monthly basis according the merchant's contract
airtime-service-feeAirtime service fee charged on a monthly basis according the merchant's contract
settlement-feeSettlement fee charged per settlement occurance
settlement-fee-transSettlement fee charged per settlement occurance
one-off-terminal-costOne-off terminal purchase fee
one-off-terminal-setup-feeOne-off terminal installation fee
monthly-rent-feePOS terminal rental fee charged on a monthly basis according the merchant's contract
faster-funding-monthly-feeNext Day Settlement fee charged on a monthly basis according the merchant's contract
monthly-gateway-feeGateway Fee charged on a monthly basis according the merchant's contract
axept-services-subscription-feesaxept Subscription fee charged on a monthly basis according the merchant's contract
one-off-chargeOne Off Charge
one-off-charge-w-vatOne Off Charge, inc VAT
retail-cbkChargeback withheld
credit-cbkChargeback withheld previously returned
retail-2prsChargeback is defended, funds sent back to the merchant
unique-2prsChargeback is defended, funds sent back to the merchant (Casinos only)
unique-cbkChargeback received and charged from the merchant. (Casinos only)
retail-collaboration/rdrThe final chargeback process stage
adjustment-due-to-manual-paymentOne-off adjustment following internal procedures and protocols
account-replenishmentFunds received from the merchant
negative-balance-to-dd-invoiceFunds to be charged via Direct Debit
credit-notifFunds credited to the merchant
fee-collection-outOne-off fees adjustments with payment schemes and issuing banks
fee-collection-incOne-off fees adjustments with payment schemes and issuing banks
fee-collection-cbk-outOne-off fees adjustments with payment schemes and issuing banks
funds-disb-outOne-off adjustments with payment schemes and issuing banks
funds-disb-incOne-off adjustments with payment schemes and issuing banks
debit-accountOne-off debit adjustment
credit-accountOne-off credit adjustment
fees-adjustmentRefund of the fees charged
hold-settlementSettlement withheld due to internal procedures and protocols
release-fundsFunds withheld released
transfer-to-security-depositFunds transferred to the Security Deposit


The below table provides a list of capture methods along with their descriptions.

ecom-paybybankappPay by Bank App
ecom-openbankingOpen Banking
motoMail Order/Telephone Order (MOTO)
posCardholder Present
pos-contactlessCardholder Present (Contactless)
storedStored Token
pos-openbankingOpen Banking (POS)
pos-alipayAlipay (POS)