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Transaction Retrieval and Cancellation

You can use the same GET /transaction request as before to query multiple transactions at a time. This is useful if you want to maintain a CRM or database of transactions for POS systems to query.

GET /transaction Request

It is the same endpoint, but when querying multiple transactions you include different parameters into the URL.

These requests support filtering the results by specifying the required filter in the query string in the format:


Values need to be correctly URL encoded if they contain characters that are reserved in URL notations, for example forward slashes must be encoded as %2F.

Example Filters

More than one field can be specified by specifying an ampersand (&) between the fields e.g.


These requests support pagination to minimise the amount of data returned in one go. In this situation, the pagination information is returned as part the response header in the X-Pagination header in JSON format.

Total CounttotalCountIntegerThe total number of pages
Page SizepageSizeIntegerThe number of items per page
Current PagecurrentPageIntegerThe current page number
Total PagestotalPagesIntegerThe total number of pages



This provides details of the total number of records, the defined page size, what the current page is and the total number of pages. The page number and page size can be specified in the query string allowing you to move through the records as appropriate.


If the page size exceeds the axept Connect Cloud service’s configured page size, the requested page size will be limited to the configured page size.

Response Fields

GET /transaction Response
Field NameData TypeDescription
utiGUIDUnique client initiate GUID to represent the transaction.
referenceStringClient reference assigned to the transaction and echoed back in subsequent operations.
statusStringThe status of the transaction. This will be either:
OpenTransaction has been created but is not locked by a terminal as yet.
InProgressTransaction has been locked by a terminal and is being progressed on a terminal.
CompleteTransaction is completed.
transTypeStringIndicates how the transaction should be processed.
amountTransIntegerAmount of the transaction in minor units not including cashback/tips etc.
amountGratuityIntegerAmount of the gratuity in minor units.
amountCashbackIntegerAmount of the Cashback in minor units.
expirationDateDateTimeUTC Date/Time the transaction will expire in ISO 8601-1:2019 format
createdDateTimeDateTimeUTC Date/Time the transaction was initiated by the merchant in ISO 8601-1:2019 format

Example Responses

Multiple transactions are returned as a JSON Array of Objects.

"uti": "604f2540-5af9-4f60-a889-449bd5dd17d5",
"reference": "SBTest2",
"status": "Open",
"transType": "SALE",
"amountTrans": 150,
"amountGratuity": 0,
"amountCashback": 0,
"expirationDate": "2023-04-11T13:16:19.162Z",
"createdDateTime": "2023-04-10T13:16:19.2866549Z"
"uti": "1d027a88-5821-4442-bb4a-14123fc3fac9",
"reference": "SBTest2",
"status": "Complete",
"transType": "SALE",
"amountTrans": 150,
"amountGratuity": 0,
"amountCashback": 0,
"expirationDate": "2023-04-11T15:30:14.824Z",
"createdDateTime": "2023-04-10T15:30:15.0462675Z"
"uti": "e9665b4b-150e-45b6-96a1-1b2c0c28c067",
"reference": "Test3",
"status": "Complete",
"transType": "SALE",
"amountTrans": 150,
"amountGratuity": 0,
"amountCashback": 0,
"expirationDate": "2023-04-12T08:10:27.73Z",
"createdDateTime": "2023-04-11T08:10:25.5168273Z"
"uti": "8975de1d-ddc2-4b57-b934-bfee43b85777",
"reference": "Test3",
"status": "Complete",
"transType": "SALE",
"amountTrans": 155,
"amountGratuity": 0,
"amountCashback": 0,
"expirationDate": "2023-04-12T08:16:17.948Z",
"createdDateTime": "2023-04-11T08:16:15.4406236Z"
"uti": "66cb0575-5684-40d5-819a-f22173ea1c1f",
"reference": "A4567FGTR230328",
"status": "Open",
"transType": "SALE",
"amountTrans": 1300,
"amountGratuity": 0,
"amountCashback": 0,
"expirationDate": "2023-04-12T09:06:01.601Z",
"createdDateTime": "2023-04-11T09:05:59.1547689Z"

DELETE /transaction

Should you need to, you can Delete any transaction that is at the Open or Complete status by using the DELETE HTTP Method. You need to include the uti for the specific transaction for each request.

DELETE /transaction Example
In Progress

Transactions which are InProgress are locked and cannot be deleted.