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Transaction Search

It is possible to query axept® PRO to provide more detailed information on a transaction level.

GET /historyReports



An HTTPS GET request should be sent to the above URL with the following parameters:

GET /historyReports Query String Parameters
Field NameStateData TypeDescription
tidMandatoryStringThis is the serial number of the PAX IM30 that should process the transaction.
dsablePrintingMandatoryStringThis must be set to true otherwise the terminal will display the contents of the report on screen.
GET /historyReports Header Parameters
AuthorizationMandatoryStringThis field should be populated with a value of “Bearer 6945595921271780”

GET Request Example
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer 6945595921271780
User-Agent: PostmanRuntime/7.26.8
Accept: */*
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
Connection: keep-alive

GET Response Fields

In response to the GET, axept® PRO will return one of five response codes:

HTTP Response CodeDescription
200Request was successful.
400Bad input parameter. Details would be returned in a text description.
403Not Authorised
404Not found. Details would be returned in a text description.
408Request timeout.

GET Response 200 fields

GET /historyReports Response Body Parameters
Field NameData TypeDescription
transTypeStringProvides the transaction type that was performed:
SALEThis value will result in funds being authorised & debited from the cardholder’s account.
REFUNDThis will result in funds being credited to the cardholders account from the merchant’s account.
AUTHORISATION_ONLYThis will instruct axept® PRO to seek an authorisation for the specified amount(s) on the presented card.

If the authorisation is successful, axept® PRO will do nothing further with the funds.

The funds will be ring fenced on the consumers account and impact their Available to Spend balance.
REVERSALOnly to be used against a previous AUTHORISATION_ONLY transaction.

Should the POS decide that there is no need to take the authorised funds from the consumers account, a reversal should be requested so that the consumer’s account does not have their Available to Spend impacted.
SETTLEMENT_ONLYOnly to be used against a previous AUTHORISATION_ONLY transaction.

Should the POS decide that there is a need to take the authorised funds from the consumer’s account, the settlement only will initiate the transfer of the authorised funds.
totalAmountTransIntegerTotal amount of the transaction in minor units including cashback\tips etc.
transApprovedStringIndicates if the transaction was approve or the status of the approval.
transDateTimeStringThe date and time of the transaction in the format of yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss
cardPanStringThe masked PAN of the card for this transaction.
retrievalReferenceNumberStringThe retrieval reference number for the transaction.
receiptNumberIntegerThe number of the receipt for this transaction.

GET Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 2021 17:17:09 GMT
Access-Control-Max-Age: 86400
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST, GET, OPTIONS, DELETE
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: *
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Encoding: gzip
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
"cardPan": "************0102",
"receiptNumber": 2,
"retrievalReferenceNumber": "000002970001",
"totalAmountTrans": 1000,
"transApproved": "APPROVED",
"transDateTime": "2021-01-19 11:26:57",
"transType": "SALE"
}, {
"cardPan": "************0102",
"receiptNumber": 3,
"retrievalReferenceNumber": "000003970001",
"totalAmountTrans": 100,
"transApproved": "DECLINED",
"transDateTime": "2021-01-19 11:29:25",
"transType": "SALE"
}, {
"cardPan": "************0102",
"receiptNumber": 4,
"retrievalReferenceNumber": "000004970001",
"totalAmountTrans": 100,
"transApproved": "APPROVED",
"transDateTime": "2021-01-19 11:32:01",
"transType": "SALE"
}, {
"cardPan": "************0102",
"receiptNumber": 5,
"retrievalReferenceNumber": "000005970001",
"totalAmountTrans": 100,
"transApproved": "APPROVED",
"transDateTime": "2021-01-19 11:32:30",
"transType": "SALE"
}, {
"cardPan": "************0102",
"receiptNumber": 13,
"retrievalReferenceNumber": "000013970001",
"totalAmountTrans": 100,
"transApproved": "APPROVED",
"transDateTime": "2021-01-20 03:26:21",
"transType": "SALE"
}, {
"cardPan": "************0102",
"receiptNumber": 14,
"retrievalReferenceNumber": "000014970001",
"totalAmountTrans": 100,
"transApproved": "DECLINED",
"transDateTime": "2021-01-20 03:29:00",
"transType": "SALE"
}, {
"cardPan": "************0102",
"receiptNumber": 15,
"retrievalReferenceNumber": "000015970001",
"totalAmountTrans": 102,
"transApproved": "DECLINED",
"transDateTime": "2021-01-20 03:31:18",
"transType": "SALE"
}, {
"cardPan": "************0102",
"receiptNumber": 16,
"retrievalReferenceNumber": "000016970001",
"totalAmountTrans": 100,
"transApproved": "APPROVED",
"transDateTime": "2021-01-20 04:04:49",
"transType": "SALE"