Transaction Retrieval
Transaction retrieval allows you to establish the status of any transaction processed via our Checkout solution. There are two ways to locate a transaction.
Transaction id
To retrieve details of a completed transaction the Transaction Id can be used. This is returned in the Payment Result as the id
As an alternative to the Transaction Id it is also possible to locate a transaction using the invoiceId
used in the Authentication and Payment Request messages. This allows for a transaction to be located where the result has not yet been received, perfect for scenarios where a transaction currently in progress requires checking.
The response remains unchanged whatever method is used.
Following partner feedback, we have added a second Transaction Retrieval endpoint, as detailed below. This version includes detail on any related transaction, as an array. It can be useful to determine advanced information on refunded or separately Authorised and Charged transactions.
Version 1
The method to request the search varies depending on the data being used.
Transaction id
Method | GET |
“:id” is the id
of the transaction whose status is required.
Method | GET |
“:id” is the invoiceId
of the transaction whose status is required.
Version 2
The method to request the search varies depending on the data being used.
Transaction id
Method | GET |
“:id” is the id
of the transaction whose status is required.
Method | GET |
“:id” is the invoiceId
of the transaction whose status is required.
Transaction Retrieval Response - Card Payment
Both version 1 and version 2 will return the same data, where applicable. In version 1, the below fields are presented as a single object for the chosen transaction. In version 2, there are multiple objects supplied in an array. See the Example Responses for more details.
Transaction Retrieval Response (Card) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Field Name | Data Type | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
amount | Decimal | Total amount of the order including decimal places where applicable. ‘Whole’ amounts (e.g. “1”) on a GBP account represents £1.00. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
authCode | String | Authorisation code issued for the transaction. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
avsHouseNumberResult | String | Confirms the result of the Address Verification System (AVS) house number check.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
avsPostcodeResult | String | Confirms the result of the Address Verification System (AVS) post code check.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
balance | String | Balance | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
cardExpiryDate | String | Expiry date for the card used in the transaction. Provided in the “MM/YY” format. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
cardIssuingCountry | String | Country where the card was issued. This information will only be returned when this can be determined. This information is subject to change and as such we recommend only using this data as a guide. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
cardPanStarred | String | Starred PAN for the card used in the transaction - for example ************9909. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
cardSchemeId | Integer | Optomany Card Scheme ID for the card used in the transaction. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
cardSchemeName | String | Name of the Card scheme for the card used in the transaction. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
cardTokenId | String | Optomany Token ID for the card presented. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
charitableDonation | Decimal | Amount of any charitable donation awarded by the consumer during the transaction process. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
cscResult | String | Confirms the result of the Card Security Code (CSC) validation check.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
currency | String | Currency of the transaction.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
id | String | Unique transaction ID. This ID should be stored as it is required for later transaction actions. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
invoiceId | String | Order/invoice/transaction/basket number generated by the host website, as passed in the request. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
payerAuthenticationResult | String | Result of the Payer Authentication process provided in the following formatenrollment result/authentication result The possible results are detailed below.
* 3D Secure v2 Only As an example an enrolled card which has been fully authenticated will be returned as C/Y or Y/Y | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
paymentMethod | String | Payment method used for the transaction.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
payoutAmount | Decimal | Confirmation of the charge/settlement amount. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
responseCode | String | Returned by the acquirer detailing the result of the transaction. A full list of Response Codes can be found here. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
rrn | String | Unique reference allocated by Optomany to the authorisation. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
transactionState | String | The current state of the transaction.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
transactionType | String | Type of transaction.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
merchantCustomData | String Base 64 Encoded | As supplied in the request by the integrator, supplied base 64 encoded. |
Transaction Retrieval Response - Paypal
The below fields are also supplied when the transaction has been processed via that payment method.
Transaction Retrieval Response (Paypal) | ||||||||||||||||||
Field Name | Data Type | Description | ||||||||||||||||
accountId | String | Unique reference for the store processing the transaction, as passed in the request. | ||||||||||||||||
amount | Decimal | Total amount of the order including decimal places where applicable. ‘Whole’ amounts (e.g. “1”) on a GBP account represents £1.00. | ||||||||||||||||
currency | String | Currency of the transaction.
| ||||||||||||||||
id | String | Unique transaction ID. This ID should be stored as it is required for later transaction actions. | ||||||||||||||||
invoiceId | String | Order/invoice/transaction/basket number generated by the host website, as passed in the request. | ||||||||||||||||
payoutAmount | Decimal | Confirmation of the charge/settlement amount. | ||||||||||||||||
paypalCaptureStatus | String | PayPal field = “capture_status_details”
| ||||||||||||||||
paypalEmail | String | PayPal email address used by the consumer. | ||||||||||||||||
paypalOrderStatus | String | PayPal field = “order_status”
| ||||||||||||||||
paypalPayerCountryCode | ISO 3166 | Consumers country code. | ||||||||||||||||
paypalPayerID | String | PayPal allocated ID for the consumer. | ||||||||||||||||
paypalPayerName | String | Name of the consumer. | ||||||||||||||||
paypalSellerProtectionStatus | String | PayPal field = “seller_protection.status”
| ||||||||||||||||
paypalSellerProtection DisputeCategories | String | PayPal field = “dispute_category”
| ||||||||||||||||
rrn | String | Unique reference allocated by Optomany to the authorisation. | ||||||||||||||||
transactionState | String | The current state of the transaction.
| ||||||||||||||||
transactionType | String | Type of transaction.
Paypal Response
paypalResponse | ||||||||||||
Field Name | Data Type | Description | ||||||||||
create_time | String | Time and date of the PayPal transaction being created. | ||||||||||
id | String | PayPal transaction Id. | ||||||||||
intent | String | Confirming the intent used in the transaction, “Capture” or “Authorize”. | ||||||||||
status | String | PayPal field = “order_status”
| ||||||||||
update_time | String | Date and time of the last update to the PayPal order. |
Paypal Response > Links
paypalResponse.links | ||
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
href | String | The complete target URL from PayPal. |
method | String | The HTTP method required to make the related call. |
rel | String | The link relation type, which serves as an ID for a link that unambiguously describes the semantics of the link. |
The above table values are only used by integrators who also have a direct integration with PayPal.
Paypal Response > Purchase_Units
paypalResponse.purchase_units | ||
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
reference_id | String | The merchant ID for the purchase unit. |
Paypal Response > Purchase_Units > Amounts
paypalResponse.purchase_units.amounts | ||
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
currency_code | ISO 4217 | Three-digit currency code for the transaction. |
value | String | Transaction amount. |
Paypal Response > Purchase_Units > Amount > Breakdown
paypalResponse.purchase_units.amount.breakdown | ||||||
Field Name | Data Type | Description | ||||
handling | Array | Charges for handling.
| ||||
item_total | Array | Item totals.
| ||||
shipping | Array | Charges for shipping.
| ||||
tax_total | Array | Tax charges.
Example Responses
- Card Payment v1
- Card Payment v2
- Paypal Payment
- Unsuccessful
"accountId": "uuid000001",
"amount": 42.01,
"authCode": "123ABC",
"authDateTimeUTC": "2020-05-18T12:28:02.830039572Z",
"avsHouseNumberResult": "Matched",
"avsPostcodeResult": "Not Matched",
"cardExpiryDate": "06/20",
"cardIssuingCountry": "Brazil",
"cardPanStarred": "************9909",
"cardSchemeId": 8,
"cardSchemeName": "MasterCard",
"cardTokenId": "XZXIx6WNM+vyvTFBOlGObOZazHurxVN6Sgjxq+CYhVcfMQ==",
"cscResult": "Not Matched",
"currency": "GBP",
"id": "6fce7714-6109-40d8-b408-0c6700509b6a",
"invoiceId": "1589804887471",
"optomanyTerminalId": "31292612",
"payerAuthenticationResult": "Y/A",
"payoutAmount": 42.01,
"responseCode": "00",
"rrn": "8653/254/18052020122802000",
"transactionState": "REFUND",
"transactionType": "SALE"
This example shows a £24 Sale followed by a £4 Refund.
"amount": 4,
"authCode": "158171",
"avsHouseNumberResult": "Not Checked",
"avsPostcodeResult": "Not Checked",
"balance": 20,
"cardExpiryDate": "12/21",
"cardIssuingCountry": "BRA",
"cardPanStarred": "***************9909",
"cardSchemeId": 8,
"cardSchemeName": "MasterCard",
"cardTokenId": "Te+q8PDfCk/ZuhiZrwUKd3HJT4L3jRS1bE83LvgAjO8fMQ==",
"cscResult": "Not Checked",
"currency": "GBP",
"id": "598179a8-67ad-4ae9-a777-df8bfc38a4ae",
"invoiceId": "OPT1633958133",
"payerAuthenticationResult": "Y/A",
"paymentMethod": "card",
"payoutAmount": 24,
"responseCode": "00",
"rrn": "8bda31b1-58f9-4f49-a597-d213ba837b5f",
"transactionState": "CHARGE",
"transactionType": "SALE"
"amount": 4,
"authCode": "425128",
"balance": 4,
"currency": "GBP",
"id": "ca71f55d-ad16-4a32-894d-0fa82ba77e0b",
"invoiceId": "OPT1633958133",
"paymentMethod": "card",
"payoutAmount": 4,
"responseCode": "00",
"rrn": "db48812c-6618-4f16-a851-c59ea66fd4f2",
"transactionState": "CREDITED",
"transactionType": "ADJUSTMENT"
"accountId": "uuid000001",
"amount": 65,
"currency": "GBP",
"id": "2d0f9d8d-e16e-4482-9629-6d1974c65bef",
"invoiceId": "1609149596324",
"payoutAmount": 65,
"paypalCaptureStatus": "COMPLETED",
"paypalEmail": "",
"paypalOrderStatus": "COMPLETED",
"paypalPayerCountryCode": "GB",
"paypalPayerID": "VFHQKQAR78CTY",
"paypalPayerName": "John Doe",
"paypalResponse": {
"create_time": "2020-12-28T10:01:49Z",
"id": "52D26809BG588383M",
"intent": "CAPTURE",
"links": [
"href": "",
"method": "GET",
"rel": "self"
"purchase_units": [
"amount": {
"breakdown": {
"handling": {
"currency_code": "GBP",
"value": "0.00"
"item_total": {
"currency_code": "GBP",
"value": "0.00"
"shipping": {
"currency_code": "GBP",
"value": "0.00"
"tax_total": {
"currency_code": "GBP",
"value": "0.00"
"currency_code": "GBP",
"value": "65.00"
"reference_id": "2d0f9d8d-e16e-4482-9629-6d1974c65bef"
"status": "COMPLETED",
"update_time": "2020-12-28T10:02:20Z"
"paypalSellerProtectionDisputeCategories": "ITEM_NOT_RECEIVED,UNAUTHORIZED_TRANSACTION",
"paypalSellerProtectionStatus": "ELIGIBLE",
"rrn": "3YP57986VJ9197719",
"transactionState": "CHARGE",
"transactionType": "SALE"
"code": 2048,
"message": "Transaction cannot be found. Please check input"